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Writer's pictureLiz Connolly

Sometimes it is all too much

Do you ever have days, weeks or months where the demands of the day or other people take over your life? Do you feel like just passes you by? Perhaps you feel disconnected from your life/career, or frustrated with life, lost, or stuck in a rut?

Roshan D Behondekar wrote, “if we don’t take control of the direction our lives will take, we leave ourselves at the mercy of others, often with disastrous consequences.”

I know that we can’t control everything that happens to us or those around us, but we can take responsibility of our own life and every day actions.

For me, it took a mid life career crisis to reexamine my life. Not just my professional life, but what I wanted from my life, what I wanted to experience every day, what difference I could make in the life of others.

However, it wasn’t as simple as deciding to live my best life. I didn’t know what my best life looked like. After 42 years, I didn’t know what that looked like. Life had become about pursing the next promotion, paying bills, doing housework, taking care of others, but not thinking about myself.

John C Maxwell the author of ‘No Limits’ wrote “you can choose to control the things that are within your control.”

It wasn’t until I decided to take back control of my life, that I started to truly feel empowered to pursue living a more fulfilling life.

What does it mean to live with intention?

It starts with a decision, and continues with intention. After drawing on all my personal development and coaching research, I found that living intentionally is about life experiences, and what and how to experience each day. Instead of letting life happen, or letting circumstances define you, it is about how you choose to think, feel and act each day.

How did I find clarity and focus again?

I went back to basics and identified what provided fulfilment, direction and energy each day.


  • What is important?

  • What do you value?

  • What gives you energy?

  • What is your purpose and drives you?


Reframe thoughts, feelings and actions to help achieve what is important, what is of value to you, and to provide you with the drive and energy you need.


Start with daily intentional action. When you start your day, write down how you will be intentional for the day. For example, I make sure I listen to a self development podcast or read some of my self development or motivational books. If I am having a bad day, I make time for a mindful moment, and reframe my thoughts and draw on positive mantras/quotes.


Make the choice to live intentionally and take action. Most importantly remember, no matter what happens to you each day, every day is a new opportunity to live intentionally.

If you are not clear about how to live intentionally, or whether your values or purpose translate to every day life, then subscribe to my community at to be the first to hear about my July course:‘Creating Clarity Coaching Program’

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